Brendan Abolivier 6 年之前
簽署人: Brendan Abolivier <> GPG 金鑰 ID: 8EF1500759F70623
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@@ -128,6 +128,6 @@ Before concluding this post, I'd like to thank, once again, everyone who worked
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 I'd also like to apologise regarding my absence on this space for the past few weeks. The last couple of weeks before *immersion{s}* have been a heck of a rush, and I much needed the month of June to recover (not even considering the infection I got in the middle of the month). Now I'm back on tracks, and I'll try to keep up with my ["One post a week"](/one-post-a-week/) challenge during the summer.
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-As again, if you liked this post or want to share some feedback on it with me, feel free to hit me up on [Twitter](, [Mastodon]( or [Matrix](!
+As always, if you liked this post or want to share some feedback on it with me, feel free to hit me up on [Twitter](, [Mastodon]( or [Matrix](!
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 See you next week for a new post!