predicates; } /** * returns verifier callbacks * @return Array|array */ public function getCallbacks() { return $this->callbacks; } /** * sets array of predicates * @param Array $predicates */ public function setPredicates(Array $predicates) { $this->predicates = $predicates; } /** * set array of callbacks * @param Array $callbacks */ public function setCallbacks(Array $callbacks) { $this->callbacks = $callbacks; } /** * adds a predicate to the verifier * @param string */ public function satisfyExact($predicate) { if (!isset($predicate)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Must provide predicate'); array_push($this->predicates, $predicate); } /** * adds a callback to array of callbacks * $callback can be anything that is callable including objects * that implement __invoke * See for more details * @param function|object|array */ public function satisfyGeneral($callback) { if (!isset($callback)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Must provide a callback function'); if (!is_callable($callback)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Callback must be a function'); array_push($this->callbacks, $callback); } /** * [verify description] * @param Macaroon $macaroon * @param string $key * @param Array $dischargeMacaroons * @return boolean */ public function verify(Macaroon $macaroon, $key, Array $dischargeMacaroons = array()) { $key = Utils::generateDerivedKey($key); return $this->verifyDischarge( $macaroon, $macaroon, $key, $dischargeMacaroons ); } /** * [verifyDischarge description] * @param Macaroon $rootMacaroon * @param Macaroon $macaroon * @param string $key * @param Array|array $dischargeMacaroons * @return boolean|throws SignatureMismatchException */ public function verifyDischarge(Macaroon $rootMacaroon, Macaroon $macaroon, $key, Array $dischargeMacaroons = array()) { $this->calculatedSignature = Utils::hmac($key, $macaroon->getIdentifier()); $this->verifyCaveats($macaroon, $dischargeMacaroons); if ($rootMacaroon != $macaroon) { $this->calculatedSignature = $rootMacaroon->bindSignature(strtolower(Utils::hexlify($this->calculatedSignature))); } $signature = Utils::unhexlify($macaroon->getSignature()); if ($this->signaturesMatch($this->calculatedSignature, $signature) === FALSE) { throw new SignatureMismatchException('Signatures do not match.'); } return true; } /** * verifies all first and third party caveats of macaroon are valid * @param Macaroon * @param Array */ private function verifyCaveats(Macaroon $macaroon, Array $dischargeMacaroons = array()) { foreach ($macaroon->getCaveats() as $caveat) { $caveatMet = false; if ($caveat->isFirstParty()) $caveatMet = $this->verifyFirstPartyCaveat($caveat); else if ($caveat->isThirdParty()) $caveatMet = $this->verifyThirdPartyCaveat($caveat, $macaroon, $dischargeMacaroons); if (!$caveatMet) throw new CaveatUnsatisfiedException("Caveat not met. Unable to satisfy: {$caveat->getCaveatId()}"); } } private function verifyFirstPartyCaveat(Caveat $caveat) { $caveatMet = false; if (in_array($caveat->getCaveatId(), $this->predicates)) $caveatMet = true; else { foreach ($this->callbacks as $callback) { if ($callback($caveat->getCaveatId())) $caveatMet = true; } } if ($caveatMet) $this->calculatedSignature = Utils::signFirstPartyCaveat($this->calculatedSignature, $caveat->getCaveatId()); return $caveatMet; } private function verifyThirdPartyCaveat(Caveat $caveat, Macaroon $rootMacaroon, Array $dischargeMacaroons) { $caveatMet = false; $dischargesMatchingCaveat = array_filter($dischargeMacaroons, function($discharge) use ($rootMacaroon, $caveat) { return $discharge->getIdentifier() === $caveat->getCaveatId(); }); $caveatMacaroon = array_shift($dischargesMatchingCaveat); if (!$caveatMacaroon) throw new CaveatUnsatisfiedException("Caveat not met. No discharge macaroon found for identifier: {$caveat->getCaveatId()}"); $caveatKey = $this->extractCaveatKey($this->calculatedSignature, $caveat); $caveatMacaroonVerifier = new Verifier(); $caveatMacaroonVerifier->setPredicates($this->predicates); $caveatMacaroonVerifier->setCallbacks($this->callbacks); $caveatMet = $caveatMacaroonVerifier->verifyDischarge( $rootMacaroon, $caveatMacaroon, $caveatKey, $dischargeMacaroons ); if ($caveatMet) { $this->calculatedSignature = Utils::signThirdPartyCaveat( $this->calculatedSignature, $caveat->getVerificationId(), $caveat->getCaveatId() ); } return $caveatMet; } /** * returns the derived key from the caveat verification id * @param string $signature * @param Caveat $caveat * @return string */ private function extractCaveatKey($signature, Caveat $caveat) { $verificationHash = $caveat->getVerificationId(); $nonce = substr($verificationHash, 0, \Sodium\CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES); $verificationId = substr($verificationHash, \Sodium\CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES); $key = Utils::truncateOrPad($signature); return \Sodium\crypto_secretbox_open($verificationId, $nonce, $key); } /** * compares the calculated signature of a macaroon and the macaroon supplied * by the client * The user supplied string MUST be the second argument or this will leak * the length of the actual signature * @param string $a known signature from our key and macaroon metadata * @param string $b signature from macaroon we are verifying (from the client) * @return boolean */ private function signaturesMatch($a, $b) { $ret = strlen($a) ^ strlen($b); $ret |= array_sum(unpack("C*", $a^$b)); return !$ret; } }