
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. BASE_DIR="$(dirname -- "`readlink -f -- "$0"`")"
  4. SEARX_DIR="$BASE_DIR/searx"
  5. ACTION="$1"
  6. cd -- "$BASE_DIR"
  7. update_packages() {
  8. pip install --upgrade pip
  9. pip install --upgrade setuptools
  10. pip install -r "$BASE_DIR/requirements.txt"
  11. }
  12. update_dev_packages() {
  13. update_packages
  14. pip install -r "$BASE_DIR/requirements-dev.txt"
  15. }
  16. install_geckodriver() {
  17. echo '[!] Checking geckodriver'
  18. # TODO : check the current geckodriver version
  19. set -e
  20. geckodriver -V > /dev/null 2>&1 || NOTFOUND=1
  21. set +e
  22. if [ -z "$NOTFOUND" ]; then
  23. return
  24. fi
  26. PLATFORM="`python -c "import six; import platform; six.print_(platform.system().lower(), platform.architecture()[0])"`"
  27. case "$PLATFORM" in
  28. "linux 32bit" | "linux2 32bit") ARCH="linux32";;
  29. "linux 64bit" | "linux2 64bit") ARCH="linux64";;
  30. "windows 32 bit") ARCH="win32";;
  31. "windows 64 bit") ARCH="win64";;
  32. "mac 64bit") ARCH="macos";;
  33. esac
  35. if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  36. if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then
  37. echo "geckodriver can't be installed because VIRTUAL_ENV is not set, you should download it from\n $GECKODRIVER_URL"
  38. exit
  39. else
  41. fi
  42. else
  44. mkdir -p -- "$GECKODRIVER_DIR"
  45. fi
  46. echo "Installing $GECKODRIVER_DIR/geckodriver from\n $GECKODRIVER_URL"
  47. FILE="`mktemp`"
  48. wget -qO "$FILE" -- "$GECKODRIVER_URL" && tar xz -C "$GECKODRIVER_DIR" -f "$FILE" geckodriver
  49. rm -- "$FILE"
  50. chmod 777 -- "$GECKODRIVER_DIR/geckodriver"
  51. }
  52. pep8_check() {
  53. echo '[!] Running pep8 check'
  54. # ignored rules:
  55. # E402 module level import not at top of file
  56. # W503 line break before binary operator
  57. pep8 --exclude=searx/static --max-line-length=120 --ignore "E402,W503" "$SEARX_DIR" "$BASE_DIR/tests"
  58. }
  59. unit_tests() {
  60. echo '[!] Running unit tests'
  61. python -m nose2 -s "$BASE_DIR/tests/unit"
  62. }
  63. py_test_coverage() {
  64. echo '[!] Running python test coverage'
  65. PYTHONPATH="`pwd`" python -m nose2 -C --log-capture --with-coverage --coverage "$SEARX_DIR" -s "$BASE_DIR/tests/unit" \
  66. && coverage report \
  67. && coverage html
  68. }
  69. robot_tests() {
  70. echo '[!] Running robot tests'
  71. PYTHONPATH="`pwd`" python "$SEARX_DIR/" robot
  72. }
  73. tests() {
  74. set -e
  75. pep8_check
  76. unit_tests
  77. install_geckodriver
  78. robot_tests
  79. set +e
  80. }
  81. build_style() {
  82. lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced --compatibility=ie9" "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/$1" "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/$2"
  83. }
  84. styles() {
  85. echo '[!] Building styles'
  86. build_style themes/legacy/less/style.less themes/legacy/css/style.css
  87. build_style themes/legacy/less/style-rtl.less themes/legacy/css/style-rtl.css
  88. build_style themes/courgette/less/style.less themes/courgette/css/style.css
  89. build_style themes/courgette/less/style-rtl.less themes/courgette/css/style-rtl.css
  90. build_style less/bootstrap/bootstrap.less css/bootstrap.min.css
  91. build_style themes/pix-art/less/style.less themes/pix-art/css/style.css
  92. # built using grunt
  93. #build_style themes/oscar/less/pointhi/oscar.less themes/oscar/css/pointhi.min.css
  94. #build_style themes/oscar/less/logicodev/oscar.less themes/oscar/css/logicodev.min.css
  95. #build_style themes/simple/less/style.less themes/simple/css/searx.min.css
  96. #build_style themes/simple/less/style-rtl.less themes/simple/css/searx-rtl.min.css
  97. }
  98. npm_packages() {
  99. echo '[!] install NPM packages for oscar theme'
  100. cd -- "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/themes/oscar"
  101. npm install
  102. echo '[!] install NPM packages for simple theme'
  103. cd -- "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/themes/simple"
  104. npm install
  105. }
  106. grunt_build() {
  107. echo '[!] Grunt build : oscar theme'
  108. grunt --gruntfile "$SEARX_DIR/static/themes/oscar/gruntfile.js"
  109. echo '[!] Grunt build : simple theme'
  110. grunt --gruntfile "$SEARX_DIR/static/themes/simple/gruntfile.js"
  111. }
  112. locales() {
  113. pybabel compile -d "$SEARX_DIR/translations"
  114. }
  115. help() {
  116. [ -z "$1" ] || printf 'Error: %s\n' "$1"
  117. echo "Searx help
  118. Commands
  119. ========
  120. npm_packages - Download & install dependencies
  121. grunt_build - Build js files
  122. help - This text
  123. locales - Compile locales
  124. pep8_check - Pep8 validation
  125. py_test_coverage - Unit test coverage
  126. robot_tests - Run selenium tests
  127. styles - Build less files
  128. tests - Run all python tests (pep8, unit, robot)
  129. unit_tests - Run unit tests
  130. update_dev_packages - Check & update development and production dependency changes
  131. update_packages - Check & update dependency changes
  132. install_geckodriver - Download & install geckodriver if not already installed (required for robot_tests)
  133. "
  134. }
  135. [ "$(command -V "$ACTION" | grep ' function$')" = "" ] \
  136. && help "action not found" \
  137. || "$ACTION" "$2"