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- Search syntax
- =============
- Searx allows you to modify the default categories, engines and search
- language via the search query.
- Category/engine prefix: ``!``
- Language prefix: ``:``
- Prefix to add engines and categories to the currently selected
- categories: ``?``
- Abbrevations of the engines and languages are also accepted.
- Engine/category modifiers are chainable and inclusive (e.g. with
- `!it !ddg !wp qwer <https://searx.me/?q=%21it%20%21ddg%20%21wp%20qwer>`_
- search in IT category **and** duckduckgo **and** wikipedia for ``qwer``).
- See the `/preferences page <https://searx.me/preferences>`_ for the
- list of engines, categories and languages.
- Examples
- ~~~~~~~~
- Search in wikipedia for ``qwer``:
- `!wp qwer <https://searx.me/?q=%21wp%20qwer>`__ or
- `!wikipedia qwer <https://searx.me/?q=%21wikipedia%20qwer>`_
- Image search:
- `!images Cthulhu <https://searx.me/?q=%21images%20Cthulhu>`_
- Custom language in wikipedia:
- `:hu !wp hackerspace <https://searx.me/?q=%3Ahu%20%21wp%20hackerspace>`_